So far, March has lived up to its reputation of being windy!
“In like a lion”and hopefully soon “out like a lamb” That being said, This is one of the many reasons why I choose to live here! Sure the wind has been howling!! Have you ever studied a map of the Everglades and the 10,000 islands? Look at how the land mass is configured. For the most part ,this area is protected from high East wind influence! If you’re a sight Fishionado or a fly angler, You have countless opportunities to fish the East shoreline and being in the Lee of the wind! Especially for the fly angler, it can blow 30 knots and you can still fish! The reason for this, is the high mangrove tree canopy. This is true for the backcountry as well as the bights ( bays ) out front. Getting to and from maybe a little bumpy, But you’re fishing! If you like throwing artificial lures or a fly angler with some experience, you have a great opportunity to catch fish on the windy shorelines! Windy shoreline you say, are you kidding? No I’m not! Remember, snook are ambush predators and feed better on windy shorelines because the wind is creating a lot more current. I hope you don’t mind a shameless plug, This is another reason to have a Powerpole mounted on your boat! Fish these windy shorelines in the afternoon when you also have a shade line between you and the bank. You’ll be glad you did! Captain Ray
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June 2021